Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Journal and Courieri

Lafayette, Indiana

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2 LAAYETTE JOURNAL AND COURIER Saturday Evening November 15 194T Births Mr and Mrs Vernon Deno of Earl Park are the parents of a son born Nov 12 at the Earl Park hospital At St Elizabeth hospital A son to Mr and Mrs Myron Johnson of Delphi riday A son to Mr and Mrs Charles Elkin 1720 Thompson street ri day RUSSIAN TIDE TURNS AGAINST NAZI ORCES (Continued from Page One) were reported pursuing the Ger mans into deep forests west of Maloyaroslavetz Military officials Indicated a major soviet offensive around Serpukhov now is anticipated in an effort to end the German threat south of Moscow REDS WIN IN NORTH ECONOMY PLAN GIVEN CONGRESS BY MORGENTHAU Secretary of Treasury Pre sents Legislature Program Slashing Non Defense Government Spending WASHINGTON Nov (UP) of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr today presented to congress his billion dollar econ omy program calling for slashes in non defense government spend particularly for agricultural rivers and harbors reclamation and youth projects Revealing his program to the joint congressional economy com mittee he proposed that the na tional youth administration and the civilian conservation corps be consolidated in a new bureau of defense training He conceded that under the existing setup the CCC and NYA to conflict with some aspects of the defense program Congressional authorizations for expenditure of $139000000 for roads in 1944 should be cancelled he testified This was the only specific figure cited during his appearance but 110 said the pro gram was what he had in mind when he testified in connection with the recently enacted 1941 tax bill that $1000000000 could be saved in non defense spending He exclaimed to a committeeman who inquired whether additional taxes still would be needed even if the econ omy program Is put through 4 OLD OBJECTIVE Morgenthau testified that his recommendations had a four fold objective: 1 Cut non essential expendi tures and improve the position 2 Release manpower for de fense industry 3 Increase the quantity of ma terials available for defense pro duction 4 Create a backlog of public works for post emergency devel opment "Although governmental aid was necessary in order to bring farm net income from $3250000000 in 1932 up to $8500000000 or more in 1941 certainly after having reached this goal there does not appear to be any reason for con tinued spending at the same he said He added however that any overall cuts should make excep tions for lowest income group which suffers from wholly inadequate nutrition" The of of the farm secur ity administration are ur he believed and 1 "there should be no reduction of ex penditures for the help of the under lora Residents Attend Wedding LORA Nov The follow ing persons attended the wedding of Mary Beckner and Richard Benson at Indianapolis: Mr and Mrs Voorhees Mr and Mrs Will Leiter Mrs Richard Leiter Mr and Mrs Man ford Landes Rev and Mrs Mer rill Ivey Mrs Collier Mr and Mrs Harry Burns Mr and Mrs Delos King Mr and Mrs red Squiers Mr and Mrs Landis Richard Cochran William Kearns Miss Hilda Kearns Mrs Virginia Wilton Miss Lois Metz ker Miss Pearl Ledman Mrs Evers formerly of lora now of Terre Haute Mr and Mrs Clarence Balkema of Stockwell Mr and Mrs Robert Million of Yeoman Mrs Hazel (Birch) Minor of LaMesa Cal and Mr and Mrs Okal Voorhees of Mish awaka rancis Tinkle left for clinic Rochester Minn for ob servation and treatment The Loyal Daughters class of the Christian church met for a covered dish supper Mrs A Cox gave a talk William orce Hurt In Mulberry Mishap William orce of Mulberry telegraph operator at Lamson grain offices in the Loan and Trust building injured his right arm in a fall Saturday morn ing as he was leaving a restau rant in Mulberry He tripped on the lower step leading to the sidewalk An ray examination was to be made Saturday after noon LEWIS AND STEELMEN REMAIN DEADLOCKED (Continued rom Page One) Achievement Day and Alberta Bene by Mar pro PARTIES year ago Maggart Jansen and 500 Mrs Lo Louis Steiner Kolkana Kennedy Miss The annual card party given by Court Immaculate Conception Catholic Daughters of America to raise funds for their planned Christmas charity program was held in Duncan hall and was a success socially and financially orty tables were at play in the hall and many were at play in private homes Attractive prizes were awarded to the following for high scores in various games: Euchre Mrs Stanley Littell Mrs lorence Hau Leonard Eckman retta Klien Mrs Mackey and bridge Mrs Peter Ann Schrader Kunkle and Charles Bordenet Door prizes went tflk Mrs Zufall Mrs Thomas 'ollen Mrs Charles Pow ell Miss Margaret Cullen Mrs Harry Smith Miss Clara Mey er Arthur arrell Mrs Clarence Kelly Miss Ella Comer Miss Margaret Brown Mrs Dale Roth and Miss Marie Rooney The boys will be in red corduroy the girls in red cor GOODLAND Nov Several Lutheran church women of this place including Mesdames Mary Budde Emma Slattery Jean Best Pauline' Bird Millie Scheive Liz zie Barten and the Misses Marie Slattery Helen roiech and Car rie Schuete also Mesdames Clara Schuette and Herman Schuette of Brook pleasantly surprised Mrs Theodore Gerdes at her home in Remington After a delicious luncheon brought by the women games were played and prizes awarded to Mrs Gerdes and 'Miss roiech 6 Die In Collision At Grade Crossing STRASBURG Mo Nov (AP) Six members of a funeral bound family died today in a grade crossing collision that left a seventh member a baby criti cally hurt Killed as their automobile was hit by a Missouri Pacific stream liner were Mr and Mrs Luther Mote their children Charles Joe 5 and Donna Lou 3 sister Mrs rank Cochran 45 and the daughter Mrs Kenneth Egbert 23 Nancy Ruth Mote 15 months suffered a skull fracture Achievement Day Of Carroll County Clubs at Camden 1 DELPHI Nov 14 Over 200 per sons attended Carroll county Home Economics club day" riday at the Camden Commun ity building The following of ficers were elected: President Mrs Edna Yeager Washington township vice president Mrs Marie Swickard Delphi secre tary Miss Evadue1 Campbell Washington township treasurer Mrs 'Gladys Hoffman Adams township and publicity Mrs Lot tie Hunt Jackson township lora was awarded first prize in the publicity booklet contest with Madison township second and Carrollton township third The project for next year will be It was also announc ed that 734 members are enrolled in Home Economics clubs in this county 61 more than a County Agent spoke and a report of the state fnii anhrwil odvpn hv XT ar garet Ramey Delphi Mary Alice Caldwell Washington township and Margaret Hedderich Camden The program included readings solos duets and special numbers by all townships Program Is Held In Warren County WILLIAMSPORT Nov The fiftfeenth annual Warren county home economics Achievement dav nroCTum held in the I muunipuri uign ecauoi gym ex hibits were made on table set ting ormal Washington and Lib erty townships informal East and West Warren townships sal ads Jordan and Prairie townships and desserts Medina and Adams townships The meeting closed with a style show with Miss Joyce Zenor Miss Marily Moore and Mrs Myrtle Haun as models Mr and Mrs Cecil Haupt and two daughters Marge and Nancy left for Huscon AriZ where the latter will remain during the win ter Mrs William Walters spent a few days in Danville Hl JUNIOR COLORS The juniors of the local school have selected royal blue and red for their class colors The entire class will wear blue sweaters with red letters conspicuous trousers and duroy skirts Mae Clark diet have been selected again as yell leaders for the Williamsport basketball team The pulpit in the local Meth odist church was filled by Rev Haley pastor of the Pence Meth odist church Rev red Long well exchanged pulpits with Rev Haley Held and John DeMotte spent a day pheasant hunting Mr Held popular business man bought his first hunting license Earl Robertson of Williams port entered St Elizabeth hos pital Lafayette Miss Helen Snouwaert local beautician spent a day with her parents east of Attica CLUB MEETING Mrs Arthur Bennett was host ess to the Washington township Home Economics club at her home Assistants were Mrs Peter McEwen Mrs Clara George and Mrs Blanche White Mrs Ringer and' Mrs Arcme Lite conducted the gram The December meeting will be with Mrs Archie Lee A cov ered dish luncheon will be served at 12:30 and a Christmas program will follow Phyllis and Charles children of Mr and Mrs Henderson Boyle visited red Corwin and family while their parents moved their household furniture from Ross ville Ill to West Lebanon NIGHT" The club of Williams port observed night" for husbands and sons at the Pres byterian church Mrs Robertson presided at the banquet and gave the wel come ranklin Clark son of Mr and Mrs rank Clark responded Mrs Horace Elwood read the creed and Mrs A McKinney sang The speaker was Rev Haley of Pence ally and Judith Gregory daughters of Mr and Mrs John Gregory Detroit Mich spent a week with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Gregory here while their parents were vacation ing in the east for was the title of the Williamsport junior school play which was giyen in the school gymnasium Mrs red Darling of East Chi cago is spending a few days with Mr and Mrs Earl Hiberly Miss Dorothy Martin is on full time help at the Grab It Here store here Mrs Lillie Evans returned to Danville DI after visiting Ralph Evans and wife 4 AXIS VESSELS SUNK IN BATTLE LONDON Nov Rus sian worships loose in the Baltic have sunk four Axis transport ves sels totaling 36000 tons accord ing to a Russian war communique broadcast by the Moscow radio to night The Germans reported last week that Russian warships had left the Kronstadt naval base crashed saieiy tnrougn a mine oarricaae and reached open sea In the Gulf of inland 1 Mrs Charles A Burnett enter tained at a luncheon bridge of charming appointments riday at her home on State street in hon or of her sister Mrs Addison Brown Kansas City Mo who is making an extended visit at the Burnett home and Mrs Edwin Waymire Dayton who has been visiting at the home of her sister Mrs Ellis Chrysan themums were artistically ar ranged on the tables at which were seated 18 guests Honors at bridge were won by Mrs red any character have been reached The steel executives maintained their open shop attitude and the UMW representatives advised that we have no authority to execute an open shop agreement in oppo sition to and contrary to the prevailing union shop agreement in the entire industry The UMW representatives will report no progress to tne policy committee" It was pointed out that Presi dent Roosevelt at the white house conference yesterday had ordered the warring factions to meet ri day Saturday and Sunday and report to him by Mon day statement came as the disputants concluded their second day of conversations Although the agreement expires at midnight tonight a strike would not become generally effective un til the start of the workday Monday Meanwhile there were indica tions at the white house that the government is preparing to use troops in case the conferences are unsuccessful Secretary of War Stimson and Major General Robert Richard son jr commander of the seventh corps area which em braces the Birmingham captive coal mine district conferred with President Roosevelt today Emerg ing from the closed conference both men parted questions when asked if their visit concerned the threatened strike erick Chapin and Mrs Chandler A tea will be sponsored by Cir cle 5 Trinity Methodist church Monday afternoon from 2:30 to 5 at the home of Mrs rank Scott 911 South Eleventh street Hostesses will be Mesdames Wood Isenberger and Charles Vanderkolk All mem bers of the church and friends are invited At their home on State street Mr and Mrs Thompson en tertained members of Joseph Reynolds camp 251 of at a rabbit and fish supper ri day evening with Comrade Ed ward McGee age 98 as an hon ored guest The 50 places were arranged at tables decorated with Thanksgiving motifs Cajds and a general social time followed the dinner Honoring Mrs Walter Gillum a recent bride Miss Nola Shaw en tertained 25 guests at a pretty party at The Larches The game of Double or Nothing was en joyed and prizes went to Mrs Ruth Aton Miss Martha Rosen thal and Miss Amber Latta A miscellaneous shower of gifts was a feature of the evening Re freshments were served from a beautifully appointed table with lighted candles furnishing the il lumination Mrs Gillum is the former Miss Betty Thompson of this city In the extreme north according to the Moscow radio Russian forces repulsed German and in nish attacks in a 10 day battle in the Katenga region where 5000 enemy troops were said to have been killed In addition it was announced Russian planes again staged night raids on Koenigsberg East Prus sia and Riga capital of nazl occupied Latvia causing fires and explosions The high midnight communique told of the sinking of four German troop transports totalling 36000 tons in the Baltic between Nov 10 and 12 adding that yesterday fighting had ragedon the entire front Twenty eight German planes were declared to have been de stroyed Thursday while the Rus sians lost 16 Yesterday the com munique said 31 German planes were shot down when large groups of nazi planes attacked Moscow while the Russians lost five ma chines A few of the nazi raiders pene trated defenses the communique said and dropped bombs that caused some damage but it was claimed no military targets were hit A supplementary war bulletin said 25 German tanks 300 trucks and 15 field guns as well as 25 anti aircraft installations were de stroyed Thursday on the western and southern fronts and that one enemy infantry regiment was an i nihilated Navy Participates in Atlantic Victory OverNazis LONDON Nov Intensified activity by British and United States naval patrols has resulted in the destruction of German boats in the Atlantic naval quarters said today The Germans have launched a new boat offensive supposedly from bases on the rench coast but they are being met with "highly successful action" by the Anglo American patrols it was said (A United Press dispatch from Vichy said that the Germans under the direction of Dr ritz Todt builder of the Siegfried line had constructed a string of submarine bases along the rench coast to service new fleets of boats The bases were said to be part of preparations for an submarine and airplane offensive in the Atlantic) Naval quarters said that of success of the new German sea offensive might be attributed to three factors (1) Efficiency on convoy escorts (2) destruction of long range German ocke Wulf airplane spotters which tip off the submarines on convoy positions and (3) a decrease in German boat Longer nights have given Ger man submarines an excellent op portunity to operate because are able to remain on the surface without it was said However it was said that by nightfall most attacks are then futile" The biggest German handicap is not the loss' of submarines it was said but the loss of their crews which take several years to train so they can attack ef There undoubtedly will be some ups" in the battle in which enterprising Boat com mander may be it was admitted "but this is to be ex pected because it is impossible to keep all submarines out of the Naval quarters said the Ger mans apparently are training Boat crews in the Baltic Sea and then passing them out through the North Sea to Atlan tic ports The Germans are nrobablv not using which have been reported pouring off as sembly lines in German shipyards Naval quarters said that for ef fective work the Germans must use at least 500 to 700 ton sub marines in the Atlantic because of rough seas and weather submarines have littld ef fect except in raids against sta tionary coastal shipping" it was said These same quarters said they had no knowledge of a battle1 be tween United States warships and a German surface raider oft Ice land They said if such a battle had occurred naval sources here would have been informed DEATHS IN CITY AND VICINITY GRANT Grant McCormick about 78 na tive of Wabash township died at the home of his son Carl Mc Cormick in Milford HL riday He lived in this community until 1930 moving to Milford that year In 1889 he married Miss Laura Jane Basey who survives with the following children: Mrs Inez Bower Lafayette Mrs Edith Mitchell Champaign Ill Mrs Re becca Wright Milford Spencer McCormick Lafayette and Carl of Milford A brother Jo seph McCormick of Manitoba Canada also survives uneral services Sunday afternoon at 2 Wayne funeral home Mil ford burial Sugar Creek ceme tery there CHARLES KENDLE Charles Kendle 74 former resident of Lafayette died No vember 14 in Memphis Tenn where he had lived for 40 years He was formerly an interior deco rator One sister Miss Adah Ken dle of Indianapolis survives The body will be brought to Lafayette Monday for burial in the family lot in Spring Vale cemetery Serv ices private Bradshaw funeral directors The Kendle family formerly liv ing on North Eleventh street was prominent in the community Mr and Mrs Kendle pioneers were the parents INANT HALEY Thomas Joseph Haley 18 day old son of Mr and Mrs rank Haley living at South street and the by pass died of exhaustion at St Elizabeth hospital at 5 riday The baby was bom at the hospital Oct 26 Survivors be sides the parents are two brothers and five sisters Service were held from the Vianco funeral home Saturday afternoon Rev Irwin Gehring OM of St Boniface church officiating burial in St Joseph cemetery JOHN HAYS RANKORT Nov 15 Serv ices will be held at 2 Sunday in the Aughe Son funeral home for John I Hays 60 former local contractor who died Thursday at Anderson Rev John A arr will officiate with burial in Kilmore cemetery He suffered a heart at tack while working on the steeple of an Anderson church and was brought down by a fire depart ment he died en route to a hos pital Death was due to a cerebral hemorrhage Born in Carroll county north east of Rossville he was married first to Stella Glavin and after her death to Relle Ghere MERLIN COCHRAN MONTICELLO Nov Mer lin Cochran former local resident died at 12:10 a today at his home in Mentone Bom in Carroll county he taught in schools there and then engaged in business here and at Connersville Three years ago he moved to Mentone where he operated a grocery store He was a member of Monticello Christian church and Connersville Masonic lodge March 12 1912 he married Blanche Boigegrain Surviving are the widow a daughter Mrs Gerald Cox Monti cello his mother Mi's Ella Cox living here two sisters Mrs Clar ence Curtis Greenwood and Mrs Charles reeman Monticello with two brothers red of Con nersville and Don of Chattanooga Tenn The body was brought here to the Prevo funeral home where friends may call and where serv ices will be held Monday at 2 Rev A Madsen officiating burial in Pike Creek cemetery MRS NANCY GREEN NEWTOWN Nov 14 Mrs Nancy Green 83 died at 10 a today at an Indianapolis nursing home She was the widow of John Green who died in 1933 She left Newtown 28 years ago Surviving are six children: Chicago renas residence un known Mrs Miranda Henry Chicago Mrs Capha Schlosser Bremen Mrs Mabel Wilton Gary and Mrs Elizabeth Prater Sheridan a brother Jasper Cov ington Waynetown and a sis ter Mrs Lula Butler Kokomo uneral services will be held Sun day at 2 from the Meth odist church Rev John Kirk patrick officiating burial in New town cemetery WARREN COLLINS RENSSELAER Nov 14 War ren Collins 66 an emolove on the Tom Kanne farm southwest of here died at 5 today in the Jasper county hospital of injuries received Thursday when the hor ses ran away from him dragging him underneath a wheel Born in Ripley county he came to Jasper county 20 years ago He is survived by six sisters: Mrs Mattie Wallace Wheatfield Mrs Nancy Mitchel East Lynn Ill Mrs Dora Hunhath ultcn Mrs Elizabeth Van Doren and Mrs Emma Peterson Hoopeston Hl and Mrs Alta Nice Watseka Hl two brothers: William in Hlinois and James Boone Grove The body was taken to the Wright funeral home from where services will be held Sun day at 2 burial in Weston cemetery RILEY SABENS KIRKPATRICK Nov Riley Sabens 63 died at 8 a today at the home of his daughter Mrs Henry Anthrop here Bom in Mt Herman Ky he was married to Anna Mae Gentry in 1910 Surviving besides the daughter are two sons: Herbert Colton Calif and Mitchell Darlington four brothers: Millard Kearny Mo Wilborn Pawney) HL Wil liam Kirkpatrick and James of Crawfordsville and a sister Mrs Loy Payne in Iowa uneral services will be held Sunday at 2 from the daugh residence here Rev Lesley Ross officiating burial in Linden cemetery King funeral home in charge HANco*ck UNERAL MONON Nov 14 uneral ser vices for Hanco*ck will be held Monday at 1:30 at the Methodist church Rev Rockwell officiating burial in the Riverview cemetery riends may call at the Henry funeral home Hospital News Admittants id 'the Home hos pital Mrs Marshall De troit Mich who is visiting her brother EW Andrews New Richmond William Dietrick 325 North Twenty fifth Elaine Car son Phi Mu house Kenneth Burk hardt 804 Adams Mrs Chester Sheets Monticello Mrs Daniel Guard 504 Wabash Louis Al bright Cary Hall Henry Evans 640 Russell Charles Doss 641 North ifth and Mrs James Grant Brook Henry Bausum 905 South Twenty eighth Mrs Jerry Wick ersham and daughter Joan Brookston and Mrs John Simler 19 South Twentieth street under went tonsil operations Saturday at the Home hospital Dismissals from the Home hos pital George Wright 515 Rose Don Lowery Columbian apart ments Mary Rommel 640 North western Miss June Kuntz Phi Mu house Shirley Crawford Phi Mu house Mrs Herschel Shoe maker Oxford Mrs Wilbur Crane 113 Smith Ronald Mills 525 South Twenty ninth Lois Krous Residence hall Kay Shutz Buck Creek Master Billy razier Otterbein Thomas Myers 730 North Dismissals from St Elizabeth Charles Scripp 268 Lit tleton Robert Lee Pine Village Mrs Robert Seifried and son 21 Ellsworth Mahlon Biggs 1229 North ourteenth Glenn Manis 1000 Tippecanoe Roger Claseman 454 Grant Mrs Rena Rooze and son route 10 Mrs Robert Mikels route 2 George Avgerinos 105 Sylvia Mrs loyd Stendard and daughter 1013 Hart Robert Platt 738 North Thirteenth Mrs Henry Mussche and son route 6 Mrs ranklin Connelly and son Bat tle Ground Mrs Ben Peeler and son 1325 Underwood Virginia Raub Pat 802 Wabash Mrs Paul May and son 623 South ifteenth Maxine Mourmount Attica route 1 red Gick Attica Patricia Ann Martz 321 Twenty ftinth Elwood Madden 203 University and Ro mona Guinn 1740 Schuyler un derwent tonsil operations Sat urday at St Elizabeth hospital Assault Charge May Laird 257 of Clarks Hill held on a charge of assault and battery on Celia Platt also of Clarks Hill was granted time to obtain an attorney by Judge Emmett erguson in city court Saturday Her bond was set at Red Cross Drive Is Underway In Newton County OSfTLXtWX The an nual Red Cross roll call in New ton county was organized to be gin immediately following the Armistice day holiday Mrs George VanKirk of Kentland is county roll call chairman Her assistants in the various town ships are as follows: Lake town ship Mrs Leslie Hardy Lincoln Mrs Alfred Korth Colfax Mrs Ross Hillis McClellan Mrs El mer Jackson Beaver Mrs Joe Chizum Jackson Mrs Leslie Mil ler Iroquois Mrs Walter Lyons Washington Mrs Nelson Conn Grant Mrs Noreen Stufflebeam Jefferson Mrs Ira Dixon The quota for Newton county has been set at $1500 which is almost dou ble the quota asked last year The November meeting of the civics department of the Kent land club was held at the home of Mrs VanKirk The program as in keeping with Armistice day and was in charge of Mrs Dixon and Miss Eunette Buck Mrs Mabel Tilton read a prayer which she had composed especially for Armistice day Tom Carton son of Mr and Mrs James A Carton of this city was married November 7 at In dnanapolis to Miss Grace Pierce of Panama City la The young couple will reside at Indianapolis Mrs Ella Hamer visited rela tives at Logansport for a few days Mrs Henry Molter was a pa tient at the Knapp sanitarium Rome City Mr and Mrs Bair At tended the funeral services of a relative at Cincinnati Mrs Nellie 'Miller of Harvey HL is visiting her sister Mrs Charles Mathey and husband 'Mrs Helen Knollin of Burlin game Cal is here for a visit with her parents Mr and Mrs A Washbum Arthur White is a patient at the Watseka HL hospital Jarvis Marvin who is stationed at Camp Shelby Miss was home for a few furlough with his parents Mr and Mrs Bert Marvin Mrs Jennie ranch of Veeders burg is visiting at the home of her nephew Lloyd Oliver Mr and Mrs Gus Burge and faniily have moved to Carbary BL where Mr Burge has accept ed a position Mrs Richard White and baby of West Lafayette are spending a week' with the par ents Mr and Mrs John Simon Under a plan perfected by the county superintendent of schools Schanlaub in collaboration with the ministers of Newton county each school will have a community Thanksgiving service next Wednesday afternoon Nov 19 All citizens have been urged to join with the student bodies in observance of the service The ministers have been assigned to the thirteen schools through their local association officials Pine Village Plans Thanksgiving Rites PINE VILLAGE Nov The Pine Village union Thanksgiving services will be held at the Chris tian church Thanksgiving morn ing at 10 Rev Lowell Morris of the Methodist church will deliver the sermon The losing side in the Pine Village Art club contest entertain ed the winning side at the home of Mrs Marshall Rhode Irwin Builta of Nebraska left for his home in Nebraska after a visit with his brother Builta Will Hoke and Norman Sinclair of Paoli and Edward and Perry Hoke of Louisville Ky were guests at the Rue Alexander home Mr and Mrs Don Gephart and children were guests of the for parents Mr and Mrs Charles Gephart near Otterbein Mr and Mrs Kenneth Hall and Mrs Della Hall attended the wed ding of the granddaugh ter Mary Louise Simmons to Ce cil Copas at Mrs Melva Max of Lafayette speiit a day with her daughter Mrs Elsie Dowden Mr and Mrs John Wagner and son were guests of Mr and Mrs Milton Dowden Clyde Maus and family and Clayton Huntington and fam ily of Columbus were guests of Larr and wife Mrs Jesse Barton and son ac companied Mr and Mrs George Cross and daughter on a visit to Summerville Tenn where they will visit Cross and other relatives PARENTS TWINS Mr and Bill Wolf of near Lafayette are the parents of twin girls Judith Ahn and Joyce Diana Mr and Mrs Morris Milligan and' children were guests of Dr and Mrs George Dewey Mrs Harry Pierce jr enter tained at bridge with Mrs Mar garet Ogborn and Mary Rost Mrs Cliff Milligan and Mrs Tony Milanovish winning prizes SCHOOL NEWS The Junior class play entitled "Look Me in the was well attended and very successful The yell leaders elected for the coming year are June ord Lois Hurst and Richard Little Mrs McBroom visited the first and second grade and Mrs Mary Neal the third and fourth grades Mr and Mrs Ray Ogborn were guests of Mr and Mrs rank Hobart of Piqua Ohio Mr and Mrs Delbert1 Hurst were guests of Kletiheimer and family Mr and Mrs Leonard Shank land of Dawson Park were' the guests of Mr and Mrs Cox DIVORCE CASE Stella ordyice has brought suit in superlot court for a di vorce from George ordyice and restoration of her maiden name Morical They were married in 1939 and separated last Oct 31 William Andress attorney ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DINNER OR 200 RANKORT CHILDREN YOU TOO CAN LOOK AT CROWN SERVICE ADMIRINGLY Our prices do not restrict us to a lim ited clientele anyone can afford our Better Laundry Service We have sev eral different wash services one of the most popular ones is our SOT DRY milsS A REAL LAUNDRY BARGAIN SHIRTS INISHED In This Service CROWN LAUNDRY Convenient Parking Space for Customers at Our Plant 234 South ourth Street bership Cross of Mrs a story During Hos a week daughter Quick Randolph Ora Me Saturday HOSPITAL Charles Werel Plans Being Made for east Next Thursday Jury Dis agrees Wedding Announc ed Petitions Denied ATHER DIES CINCINNATI Nov Henry Boer 81 father of Bernard Boer financial editor of the Cin cinanti Times Star died today A native of Germany Boer also is survived by his widow DIVORCES WIE 2ND TIME SAN JOSE Calif Nov (AP) our times wed Joseph Cambers said today he was en tirely through with women for life after he obtained his second divorce in two years from Emma Cambers 94 78 September was an agreement 1 AT THE Mr and Mrs of Sellersburg are the parents of a son Richard Pruitt born ri day at the Clinton county hos pital Sons were born riday to Mr and Mrs Robert Pearcy 552 North Main street and to Mr and Mrs Hobart Hankins route 6 Eugene Crumpton route 6 en tered for surgery Mrs Mary Baker 457 East Clin ton street' Mrs Sam Skinner of Michigantown and Thomas Rus sell 206 South ourth street are medical patients SENT TO JAIL Oris Thornton city arrested Thursday on a charge of public intoxication was fined $15 and costs riday in the court of Jus tice Charles Mason Unable to pay Thornton was remanded to jail for 18 days A 14 year old rankfort boy brought into police headquarters for questioning in connection with the theft of doughnuts from the Eubank grocery on Hoke avenue was released after Chief of Police Marion Major had lectured the youth WEDDING ANNOUNCED Mr and Mrs Myers 651 South East' street have announced the marriage of their Edna to Sergt Jasper son of Mr and Mrs Quick of Kirklin Rev Daniels read the service evening Nov 8 at the parsonage of the Christian church in Ad vance Mr and Mrs Keith Scott of rankfort were the only at tendants The bride is a 1934 graduate of rankfort high school is now employed at the Modern Beauty shop and is a member of the reddie Shaeffer all girl band Mr Quick attended school in Kirk lin and is how stationed at Camp Shelby Miss The Light Bearers of the irst Presbyterian church met this aft ernoon at the home of Betty White with the lesson in charge of Pat Rowe Mr and Mrs George Dukes of West Wabash street will ob serve their golden wedding Sun day at the home of their daugh ter Mrs Leo lanigan in Colfax will be held from 2 to 4 PETITIONS DENIED The Clinton county alcoholic beverage board has rejected two petitions for renewals of licenses Those denied were the rankfort liquor store South Jackson street and the Evans liquor store East Clinton street EXCHANGE URN CO 903 Main St RANKORT Nov Ar rangements for the annual John Morrison Thanksgiving dinner for underprivileged school chil dren of the city are being per fected The event is in charge of Mr and Mrs A Morrison and will be held next Thursday Mr Morrison in his will es tablished a trust fund proceeds from which finance the annual dinner which is always served in the dining room of the Masonic temple Previous to Mr death for several years he was host for the dinner Management of the din ner attended by approximately 200 children annually is in charge of Mr and Mrs A Morrison assisted by Mrs Morrison and sons Millard James and Henry Morrison and members of their families Members of the Masonic order also assist with Bert Pedlow a trustee 6t the Masons in charge of the tickets which' are distrib uted on recommendation of teach ers of the various grade schools of the city ALSO THEATER PARTY Sam Carlton manager of the Clinton theater as has been his custom for many years will be host for a special movie for the group previous to the noon day dinner Thursday The group will be greeted at the theater by their host with interesting stories of the days when he was actively connected with the stage show business Jesse Heavilon also a friend will be in charge of the children while in the theater and on the march to the temple after ward While at the table the children will hear a program of violin and piano music by Millard Morrison and others of the Morrison fam ily The menu consists of chick en and noodles potatoes and gravy milk ice cream and candy The noodles are made each year by Miss Kate Irick of near Ross ville JURY DISAGREES After deliberating overnight Thursday a mixed jury of three women and nlnq men empaneled in circuit court Thursday after noon to hear the case of Clyde Chasteen charged with grand lar ceny in the alleged theft of ap proximately $76 in cash from the Dorners Bros company early in September was unable to reach Linden Club Has Meeting LINDEN Nov 15 Members of the Linden club held their regular monthly meeting at the country home of Mrs Ber nard McCay with the president Mrs Bible presiding The club voted to take a membership in the Red Cross and also to sponsor a drive from November 11 30 for the Red Cross The following committee Mrs loyd raley Mrs Carl Norman Miss Eva McKinsey Mrs Isaac Mc Bee Mrs orest Edwards Mrs M' Shanklin Mrs Little Mrs Halstead and Miss Thelma Hood were appointed to canvas the town and township Mrs Otto Boots was made chair man of a committee for the sale of towels made by the blind Mrs Irvin Davis was hostess to the members of the Linden Home Economics club at her home The president Mrs Homer Ward was in charge of the busi ness The verse of the month was read by Mrs William David son and song of the month by Mrs Claud Hillenburg A mem was taken the Red Devotion was in charge Orville Richardson and by Mrs Lewis Hurley the social hour refresh ments were served by the assist ant hostesses The December meeting will be held at the coun try home of Miss Pearl Norman Mrs Raymond entertained the Rook club at her home High score was held by Mrs McBee Miss Evelyn Peters accompan ied by a group from Indianapolis have gone on a two tour through Mexico and Mexico City Mrs Meredith lanigan of In dianapolis was guest of her par ents Mr and Mrs Bible Miss Mary Kitsmiller a teacher in the Kentland school was a guest of Mrs Helen Kitsmiller and family OR RENT Wheel Chairs pital Beds Crutches by or month Phone 5976 KI 7ct.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

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Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.