Instant Sugar Free Hot Cocoa Mix Recipe (2024)

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This homemade hot cocoa mix is inexpensive, easy to make, and tastes delicious. If you love hot cocoa and would like to make your own hot cocoa recipe give this instant sugar-free hot cocoa mix recipe a try.

Homemade Instant Sugar Free Hot Cocoa Mix Recipe

Is sugar-free hot cocoa difficult to find? Make your own homemade version with this simple to put-together hot cocoa mix recipe. This is the best hot cocoa recipe you can make, so whip up a big batch (14 servings) to have on hand. A great recipe is not always easy to find, the next time you make hot cocoa you will be glad you found this homemade recipe.

While hot cocoa and candy canes make people think of the holidays, hot cocoa isn’t just for the winter season – although a hot beverage really does hit the spot during the cooler months. Instead of a cup of coffee, why not substitute a cup of hot cocoa for your breakfast beverage? Or a warm mug on a cold winter night by the fire?

What is the difference between hot cocoa and hot chocolate?

Hot chocolate is milk-based and “richer” in flavor and full fat thinned with whole milk (hot milk or warm milk). Hot chocolate is basically chocolate milk warmed up. Hot cocoa has a powdered base, contains a combination of cocoa powder, and uses water so it is lighter and generally sweeter than hot chocolate.

This is not a homemade hot chocolate recipe, this is a homemade hot cocoa recipe.

Tips and variations for making this instant sugar free hot cocoa mix:

● Use unsweetened cocoa powder to keep things sugar-free.
● If you wanted to make this with a sugar-free instant dark chocolate pudding, sugar-free instant mint chocolate pudding mix, or milk chocolate pudding mix, you can.
● The 1.4-ounce box of Sugar-Free Instant pudding is a small box in the United States.
● The pudding is a thickener.
● Jello pudding was used in the making of this creamy hot cocoa. Jello is a brand name and any instant chocolate pudding brand will work.
● This mix does break apart a bit when you add the hot water. I strongly urge you to beat it well before serving. We use a little battery-operated whisk.
● People have substituted Truvia (stevia) for the Splenda with good results.
● This makes a great food gift! Use a Mason jar and pretty up the label.
● Powdered Milk will go bad. It will smell “off” or start to turn yellow. Check the expiration date on the box before using it, and make sure you use this hot cocoa prior to that expiration date. It is why I suggest keeping this hot chocolate mix in an airtight container. Moisture is what will do in powdered milk.
● Top with whipped cream if you like. Add some chocolate chips (sugar-free), chopped chocolate, chocolate shavings (use a chocolate bar!), chocolate sauce, or chocolate syrup to the top! Toppings are a matter of personal preference, so do what makes you and your family happy.
● Top with sugar free marshamallows if you like! Mini marshmallows and homemade marshmallows also work well.
● This recipe is made with simple ingredients commonly found at your local grocery store.

If you enjoy easy recipes for hot cocoa and hot chocolate, you may want to try these delicious recipes:

Gingersnap Hot Cocoa Recipe
Kahlua Hot Cocoa Recipe
Raspberry White Hot Chocolate Recipe (white chocolate)

Homemade Instant Sugar Free Hot Cocoa Mix Recipe:

● 3 cups Dry Powdered Milk
● 1 cup Splenda
● ½ cup Baking Cocoa
● 1.4-ounce package sugar-free instant Chocolate Pudding

Homemade Instant Sugar Free Hot Cocoa Mix Mise en Place:

Measuring Cup
● Bowl
● Large Airtight Container

Homemade Instant Sugar Free Hot Cocoa Mix Recipe Directions:

1. Combine all ingredients.

2. Sift mixed ingredients.

3. Once sifted, stir to mix again.

4. Store in an airtight container.

5. When serving, combine 1/3 cup instant sugar-free hot cocoa mix and 5.2-6oz hot water, stir well.

Yield: 1

Instant Sugar Free Hot Cocoa Mix Recipe

Instant Sugar Free Hot Cocoa Mix Recipe (13)

Instant Sugar Free Hot Cocoa Mix Recipe. This homemade hot cocoa mix is inexpensive, easy to make, and tastes delicious. If you love hot cocoa and would like to make your own hot cocoa recipe give this instant sugar-free hot cocoa mix recipe a try.

Prep Time5 minutes

Total Time5 minutes


  • 3 cups Dry Powdered Milk
  • 1 cup Splenda
  • ½ cup Baking Cocoa
  • 1 (1.4oz) small package sugar-free instant Chocolate Pudding


  1. Combine all ingredients.
  2. Sift mixed ingredients.
  3. Once sifted, stir to mix again.
  4. Store in an airtight container.
  5. When serving, combine 1/3 cup instant sugar-free hot cocoa mix and 5.2-6oz hot water, stir well.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 72Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 3mgSodium: 110mgCarbohydrates: 12gFiber: 0gSugar: 9gProtein: 6g

Note: for exact nutritional information, consult your dietitian. All nutritional information provided is simply a guideline.

First Published: January 13, 2014

Last Updated: February 03, 2022

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Instant Sugar Free Hot Cocoa Mix Recipe (2024)


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