Here's Queen Elizabeth's drop scones recipe that she gave to President Eisenhower (1960) - Click Americana (2024)

Queen Elizabeth’s drop scones recipe — a very British treat — was sent by Queen Elizabeth II to Dwight David Eisenhower, on January 24, 1960. Get the recipe here, and see the letter the Queen wrote along with it!

The story behind Queen Elizabeth’s drop scones recipe she shared with the President

This scone recipe was sent by Queen Elizabeth II to Dwight David Eisenhower, on January 24, 1960, in response to the President’s earlier request.

When President and Mrs Eisenhower visited the Royal Family at Balmoral Castle in Scotland in 1959, they apparently loved the little British breakfast treats, which were apparently more like thick pancakes than biscuit-type scones.

Here’s the letter that accompanied the recipe:

Here's Queen Elizabeth's drop scones recipe that she gave to President Eisenhower (1960) - Click Americana (1)

Here's Queen Elizabeth's drop scones recipe that she gave to President Eisenhower (1960) - Click Americana (2)

Here's Queen Elizabeth's drop scones recipe that she gave to President Eisenhower (1960) - Click Americana (3)

Here's Queen Elizabeth's drop scones recipe that she gave to President Eisenhower (1960) - Click Americana (4)

Queen Elizabeth’s drop scones recipe letter, transcribed

Dear Mr. President,

Seeing a picture of you in today’s newspaper standing in front of a barbecue grilling quail, reminded me that I had never sent you the recipe of the drop scones which I promised you at Balmoral. I now hasten to do so, and I do hope you will find them successful.

Though the quantities are for 16 people, when there are fewer, I generally put in less flour and milk, but use the other ingredients as stated.

I have also tried using golden syrup or treacle instead of only sugar and that can be very good, too.

I think the mixture needs a great deal of beating while making, and shouldn’t stand about too long before cooking.

We have followed with intense interest and much admiration your tremendous journey to so many countries, but feel we shall never again be able to claim that we are being made to do too much on our future tours!

We remember with such pleasure your visit to Balmoral, and I hope the photograph will be a reminder of the very happy day you spent with us.

With all good wishes to you and Mrs. Eisenhower.

Yours sincerely
Elizabeth R

The Queen’s drop scones recipe


4 teacups flour
4 tablespoons caster sugar
2 teacups milk
2 whole eggs
2 teaspoons bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
3 teaspoons cream of tartar
2 tablespoons melted butter

Note: Apparently a “teacup” is about 3/4 of a standard cup measure


Beat eggs, sugar, and about half the milk together, add flour, and mix well together adding remainder of milk as required, also bicarbonate and cream of tartar, fold in the melted butter.

Note: These are apparently cooked on a griddle, much like pancakes

Enough for 16 people

Here's Queen Elizabeth's drop scones recipe that she gave to President Eisenhower (1960) - Click Americana (5)

About the Queen’s trips to Balmoral (1968)

Britain’s Queen vacations; enjoys scones and cakes

By Margaret Saville in London, in The Kingston Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY) September 4, 1968

For a little while each summer, Queen Elizabeth II does what almost every woman occasionally longs to do — eat all the fattening goodies she wants.

The queen’s six weeks vacation at Balmoral Castle in the Scottish Highlands provides the occasion for this indulgence, and then it’s back on regime.

Elizabeth doesn’t diet to keep her slender figure, actually, but she does “watch the menus,” as she puts it.

ALSO SEEEisenhower & the rotary-dial telephone (1955)

At the age of 42, and after four children, she still has the same measurements she had at

Her figure is what British haute couture calls “the small lady,” an ideal 24-inch waist, 34-inch bust, 34-inch hips and a height of five feet four inches.

She rations her starch and sweets, cats plenty of salads and fresh fruit. At her meals in the privacy of Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle at weekends, she drinks only tea or fresh orange juice diluted with soda water. Even at public Parties, she accepts a single glass of sherry as a co*cktail and often leaves her glass of champagne or wine half-empty on the table.

But at her Scottish retreat, she gets so much open air exercise that she does not worry about putting on extra weight by eating what she pleases.

Here's Queen Elizabeth's drop scones recipe that she gave to President Eisenhower (1960) - Click Americana (6)

She enjoys the Highland baking, the scones and cakes with honey and raisins.

The freshly-caught herrings are rolled in oatmeal before being fried. Salmon caught in the morning from the River Dee alongside the castle are served grilled.

She has coffee with cream, fruit pie with ice cream, and thick sandwiches filled with cheese and cold meat when she goes out on the moors surrounding Balmoral.

For all her necessary residence in London, the queen is essentially a fresh air lover and revels in the life at Balmoral. She rides every day, plays outside with her children. goes fishing, walks for hours stalking deer on the moors, scrambling over the rocks when an animal is sighted.

Every morning she exercises her four pet Corgi terriers, Heather, Whisky, Sherry and Jane, in Balmoral’s big wooded gardens.

As often as not, she dances after dinner for an hour or two. Balmoral is many miles from the nearest town and entertainment is home-made.

Here's Queen Elizabeth's drop scones recipe that she gave to President Eisenhower (1960) - Click Americana (2024)


Did Queen Elizabeth like scones? ›

Queen Elizabeth II loved eating scones in the "Cornish" style, according to her formal royal chef Darren McGrady. This style is when you spread a layer of jam on a scone, followed by cream.

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She fell hard for him—she was 13 and he was 18. She wrote to Phillip, and they began a correspondence which lasted through World War II. During that time, he was a pilot. She kept a framed picture of him on her nightstand, and he carried a photo of the princess in his pocket.

Was Queen Elizabeth a picky eater? ›

Given that she was England's reigning monarch for 70 years, Queen Elizabeth's food preferences were well-known in the Buckingham Palace kitchen. Not only did she have a famous hatred for garlic, but Elizabeth was also picky about how she ate fruit, and had a very particular way of eating bananas.

How does Queen Elizabeth eat scones? ›

In an interview earlier this year, Darren McGrady, a former royal chef, said that the queen spread a layer of jam on her scone, then added cream. That jam-first method in known as the Cornish style — versus the Devonshire style, which layers cream first.

What desserts did Queen Elizabeth eat? ›

When it's time to treat herself, McGrady revealed that all the Queen wants is a piece of chocolate biscuit cake. The cake is reportedly made in-house (or, more appropriately, in-palace), and Her Majesty consumes one slice per day.

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Starches topped the queen's list of no-no foods. Ever the trendsetter, apparently, the queen was all about the keto diet before it was fashionable. Darren McGrady told The Telegraph that Queen Elizabeth shunned all forms of carbohydrates from royal meals, including starches like potatoes, pasta, and rice.

What is the queens way to eat scones? ›

It's the royal way.

The late Queen Elizabeth II was a fan of a jam-first scone, and according to the royals' former chef Darren McGrady, it's the way they're served at Buckingham Palace garden parties. King Charles also appears to also be Team Jam. 6.


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